Education and Training Policy

Policy Statement 

Bright Brains Global will promote and encourage participation in education and training programmes which are designed to meet, or will assist in meeting, the general objectives outlined above, and will select individuals for educational and training programmes on the basis of the needs of the business, individual assessments of need related to the individual’s current skill set and capacity for development. Advice and guidance on all training matters is available from Supervisors/Managers.


Education is the acquisition of knowledge through a process of receiving or giving systematic instruction.

Training involves developing a sense of reasoning and judgement. Training is nothing but learning by doing. It is a well-planned program aimed at developing specific skills and knowledge of the manpower.


Bright Brains Global believes that the education, training, and development of its employees is particularly important in relation to attracting and maintaining a diverse and representative workforce which is committed and able to meet the demands of providing a quality service, at a competitive cost in a specialized and ever-changing environment.


The participation in educational and training programmes will either be at the request of Bright Brains Global or, in some cases, at the request of the employee.


  • Where Bright Brains Global requests participation in a course, seminar, training programme, etc., and there is a cost involved in participating, then all costs which are appropriate to, and a direct result of participation, will be borne by Bright Brains Global;
  • Where the employee requests participation in an educational or training course, and attendance is approved, and Bright Brains Global agrees to pay for, or contribute to, the cost of the course, then the employee will be asked to complete an undertaking that should they leave, voluntarily, within a specified period of completing the course, then they shall refund all or part of the financial assistance given. See section headed Training Agreements;
  • A Form has been designed for this purpose (Training Agreement) and this should be completed after approval of the course, and prior to its commencement;
  • Employees of Bright Brains Global that hold Professional qualifications relevant to their employment are personally accountable for their continuing educational and professional development, and for keeping themselves up-to-date through reading relevant journals, publications, etc.


Identification of Training Needs


Managers and Supervisors have responsibility for the development of employees reporting to them. This responsibility embraces the assessment of individual training and development needs and ensuring they are met by:


  • Discussing performance and development needs with the employee on an ongoing basis;
  • Conducting formal performance appraisals;
  • Agreeing Training and Development Plans for employees;
  • Ensuring that Training and Development Plans are followed through;
  • Ensuring Pre and Post Training Questionnaires are completed.

Following through Training and Development Plans


When training and development objectives have been discussed with an individual, it is the responsibility of both parties (employee and either Manager or Supervisor) to ensure they are followed through.


Documentation for Completion


It is important for Bright Brains Global to be able to evaluate the effectiveness, benefits and costs of training. To achieve this, relevant documentation should be completed both prior to and upon completion of training. Employees who are making an application for education/training under the procedures outlined in the Employment Rights Act, Section 63D should use the relevant application form.


Training Request Form/Pre-Training Questionnaire


Before an employee embarks on any training it is helpful that they understand what they hope to achieve from it, both from a personal viewpoint and from that of their supervisor or Manager. In addition, where financial resources are required, authorisation needs to be obtained from the relevant budget holder.


A Training Request Form/Pre-Training Questionnaire should be completed for all types of training. Although the most obvious method of training is an external training course, the form is applicable to all other types of training including in-house training.


The form should be completed by the employee and their supervisor before being passed to the appropriate Manager.



Post Training Evaluation Forms


In order to evaluate the effectiveness of a training event a Post Training Evaluation Form should be completed by the employee. The employee should discuss the form with their supervisor. The form should then be passed upwards for review.


Training Agreements


Bright Brains Global encourages its employees to develop themselves professionally, academically and vocationally, and will assist where it is appropriate. However, where an employee requests to undertake a course of study (and it typically is not part of the employee’s current Training and Development Plan, and not directly connected with the employee’s current duties and responsibilities) and this is approved, and financial assistance is requested, they will be required to complete a Training Agreement. Such an Agreement requires the employee to repay all or part of the costs of the training received in certain circumstances, such as early leaving.



Training Request Forms, Post Training Evaluation Forms and Training Agreements are available from Supervisors/Managers. Completed Forms should be retained on the employee’s personnel file as an employee training record.



Review and Improvement

This Policy will be amended from time to time to ensure it remains up-to-date. 

Policy was last updated on 01/12/2021

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