Employee Grievance Policy

Policy Statement 

Bright Brains Global recognises that employees may from time to time have concerns, problems or complaints directly connected with their work and need to have a speedy, fair, consistent and reliable process for resolving these issues.


A grievance is a more official version of a complaint. An employee venting about a frustrating situation to a co-worker is complaining, but it becomes a grievance if that employee accuses their employer of violating their rights or treating them unfairly. Employees generally submit grievances in writing as the first step to resolving the issue.


To ensure that grievances are handled properly BBGL put up Procedure, described below, aiming to resolve problem areas quickly, fairly and objectively. Where it is considered to be appropriate and suitable, and is agreed by the parties concerned, attempts may be made to resolve the matter through mediation.


It is in everyone’s best interest to ensure that employee grievances are dealt with quickly and fairly and at the lowest level possible at which the matter can be resolved.


Informal Resolution


Most routine complaints and grievances are best resolved informally in discussion with the employee’s immediate Supervisor or Manager. Dealing with grievances in this way can often lead to a speedy and successful resolution of problems, and is recommended to all employees as the first option.


Formal Procedure


Raising a formal grievance


If the informal approach does not resolve the matter, (or if the employee wishes to opt out of the informal option) then the employee must put his/her grievance in writing to his/her immediate Supervisor or Manager, provided that he/she is not the subject of the grievance (see Additional Note 2 below). A simple form has been designed for this purpose. Employees with reading or language difficulties should seek assistance, for example, from a work colleague.


Dealing with the grievance


Upon receipt by Bright Brains Global of a written grievance the employee will receive a written invitation, with at least 3 calendar days’ notice, to attend a formal meeting to discuss the matter. An employee may request a postponement of the meeting, on account of a companion (see below) not being available, up to a maximum of 7 calendar days. 


If the employee has difficulty reading, or English is not their first language, the content of the invitation letter will be explained to them orally. The meeting will be arranged within 5 working days where possible, of the issue being raised, although certain circumstances, such as the need to collect information, etc., may make this difficult on occasion.


Right to be accompanied


The employee will have the right to make a reasonable request to be accompanied provided that the grievance concerns a duty owed by the employer to the employee. As such, this right is unlikely to apply in cases such as complaints about pay increases, quality of the refreshments, etc. 


The Grievance Meeting


At the meeting, (held in private, and with minimum potential for interruption) the employee will be invited, in confidence, to explain their grievance and say how they think it should be settled. Other employees may be involved, to provide additional information, etc. and the manner in which this is to be achieved, if necessary, will be determined by the Manager conducting the meeting. An adjournment may take place if this is helpful to gathering additional information or comment, and always with the aim of trying to achieve a satisfactory outcome.




If the employee considers that his/her grievance has not been satisfactorily resolved then he/she may request that the grievance be considered at a higher level.

Review and Improvement

This Policy will be amended from time to time to ensure it remains up-to-date. 

Policy was last updated on 01/12/2021

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